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The color Lavender Grey belongs to the color family Pastel Blue.
It is of high brightness and low saturation.
The color Lavender Grey corresponds to the hex code #C4C3D0.
In the additive (digital) color space RGB (Red, Green, Blue), it corresponds to 77% Red, 76% Green, and 82% Blue.
In the alternative (digital) color space HSV (Hue between 0° and 360°, Saturation, Value), it corresponds to 245° Hue, 6% Saturation, and 82% Value.
In the alternative (digital) color space HSL (Hue between 0° and 360°, Saturation, Lightness), it corresponds to 245° Hue, 12% Saturation, and 79% Value.
In the subtractive (process/print) color space CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black), it corresponds to 6% Cyan, 6% Magenta, 0% Yellow, and 18% Black.